They brush with cow dung, wash their heads with cow urine, people here kill the cows, if they fall asleep then they guard them with guns!

They brush with cow dung, wash their heads with cow urine, people here kill the cows, if they fall asleep then they guard them with guns!

The world is not small, there are different types of people living here. Something is going on in one corner and something else is going on in another corner. People sitting at one place are not able to understand that there may be a different culture in some other place in the world. Today we will tell you about some such people, who have a specialty which is very similar to the culture of India.

The specialty of this tribe is that they consider their cattle as their everything. Their entire life revolves around cattle. Since this is their main source of income, they provide them every facility that is in their hands. You can guess this from the fact that they protect their cattle with machine guns.

clean your teeth with cow dung
For the Mundari, a tribal group living in South Sudan, Africa, the cow is not just an animal but a question of their prestige. What a joke if someone does something bad to their cow. When the cows sleep, the people of this tribe stand guard with machine guns. They wash their heads with cow urine and their hair gets colored due to the uric acid present in it. They clean their teeth with cow dung and also use it in the form of powder. For these people of Mundari tribe, cows are like their family and they do not want to stay away from them at all. They are fed and served so much that the height of the cows is up to 8 feet.

Animals are ‘wealth’ their cattle
The average price of heavy cattle is $500 i.e. around Rs 42 thousand. This is the reason why they are not killed but are given as dowry or gift. Mundari people also massage their cattle twice a day and even sleep with their favorite animal. These are their status symbols. These animals are given as bride price in weddings. They also use its dung and cow urine for everything from antibiotics to protection from mosquitoes.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, amazing facts, Weird news

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